I have no words in my mouth
and I have a lot to say
Is your voice you?
What does your voice mean to you?
The Voice Monologues (TVM) is exploring the idea of voice and celebrating our conventional and unconventional voices. These unique performances will involve disabled and non disabled actors, both those with speech and without speech, coming together to question everything you thought you knew about voice. This is something that (we think) has never been done before.
This will be Unspoken's biggest project so far, and we need you to get involved, here's how:
AAC Performers
We want performers using different forms of communication to present some of the world’s most powerful famous speeches, such as Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream”. However, this isn’t all about powerful politics, we’ll also be throwing in a few silly speeches too, including Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” monologue and Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky” poem.
There will be an audition process for all performers and actors.
If you are interested and would like to apply please click here for the application for AAC Performers
AAC Writers
We are looking for AAC users to write short stories or monologues or other creative pieces, which will then be performed by an actor with speech. We chose to do it this way, rather than AAC users performing their own speeches, because we want to explore the idea of perceptions and identity associated with voice.
We are gathering stories about anything and everything, these could happy, sad, scary, dark, ridiculous, silly, absolutely anything! The only thing we ask is that there is emotion in it.
Actors with Speech
We are looking for around 10 actors to be part of a performance which will explore the idea of voice.
We would like a wide range of people to perform short monologues, written by people without speech. These actors can be disabled or non-disabled people with speech.